Behind HealnPrevent


I am Dt. Surabiya Sharma. A Clinical Dietitian by Passion and Profession.

The ideology behind HealnPrevent” is to spread awareness, break myths and disseminate information among my clientele so that together we can prevent numerous diseases be it genetic or the acquired ones. And to manage the already existing conditions in a Holistic Manner with an Integrated – Inclusive Approach.

The way we nourish our plants, take care of our kids, decorate our homes somewhere we forget ourselves and realise this when our Physical body or Psychological frame starts showing some signs not in synchronisation as per our expectations.  So; why not begin a little early by being proactive towards our health and let it be healthcare only!! When we are still healthy and can prevent ourselves from multiple lifestyle diseases which may or may not be genetic in nature.And let us gear up if something is already trying to trouble us. 


I prescribe the individualised customised diets and lifestyle alterations in a wholistic manner. The connections established are on a very profound level for positively impacting the lives and souls which have entrusted me with their valuable time, resources and energy.   I aim to make my clientele self – reliant and self – sustainable gradually without starving them and putting them on menacing fad dietsThe programmes revolve around a spiritual set up including prayers, positive affirmations and other forms of Ancient Wisdom for manifesting the desired results. So after thoroughly understanding the concern, dietary and lifestyles modifications are customised on an individualized basis and daily tracking of diet, physical activity and other parameters leads to astonishing Goal Oriented Outcomes.

 Food is the  Fuel; it provides our body with the sacred energy; so we must ensure we are supplying ourselves with right kind . 

Client Testimonials

“I had the pleasure of getting in touch with Surabiya few months ago and this has been a boon to me. I consulted her for my nutrition and weight loss counselling. With her expertise I learned how to understand the food I eat and how my body works with the food. Surabiya did not restrict my eating habits but showed me how to read labels and introduce healthier things into my diet. She also taught me which foods encourage a healthier lifestyle and healthier living. Surabiya also showed me how to increase my exercise so that my body would work more efficiently towards my goal. Through Surabiya’s program I stopped thinking about weight loss and began thinking that I was learning to change my life.

To date, I am please to say that I have lost weight and continue to lose more . Without her support this wouldn’t have been possible.She is the utmost professional yet she has a touching compassion and dedication to her clients.”

Mr. Sunil Srinivasan (Bengaluru)

It has been really good to know about Dietitian Surabiya Sharma.  I lost 18 kg in 8 months by her diet plan and lifestyle related guidance .She gave me confidance as before I can’t even think loosing weight .She is really a wonderful person who works hard with her clients and try her best to give  maximum results .Also she tries her best to make me understand that it’s not about  sacrificing the food rather it’s about managing how to eat right in right time .

Ms. Prachi (Mathura)

“Thanks for the plant based diet plan. She is an expert of that without any doubt .
It really worked out for me.
I stopped consuming dairy products. I could get the right scheduling and the proper dietary guidance.
I started feeling changes since Day 1 . My mood is always fresh and I feel light, my body has started detoxifying. And i have never felt this energetic before. ”

Mr. Jagrit Singh Rajput (Noida)

“I am so thankful to Dt. Surabiya for helping me immensely during my pregnancy. As i had high GDM during pregnancy, She helped me through a balanced diet , lots of handy tips and her postive charm. All this not only helped me in maintaining my sugar levels but also brought the sugars levels in specified ranges.
She helped me through her advice and rather gave a personal touch to everything in guidance. I use to just call or text her whenever in any doubt or chaos and she was always there. She takes extra intiative and efforts to go extra miles in case one requires help.
I am mother of a 5 months baby boy now and i can’t thank her enough because without her help and advice, my journey of motherhood would have been very difficult.
Thanks a ton my dear Surabiya. ”

Mrs. Tripti Verma

“Dt. Surabiya has been guiding me since last 5 months . And she has ascertained not only my physical well-being but took good care of my emotional well-beings as well..
Thanks alot for your consistent efforts.”

Mr. Himanshu Bansal (Delhi)

Her weight loss plans worked for me aptly and i haven’t gained the body fat i lost. I never starved myself ; ate the right stuff which was not at all boring . Together with exercise i obtained the desired results. I could fit in old clothes . Which made me really happy. .

Mrs. Meetu Wadhwa (New Delhi)

“Dt. Surabiya helped me in proper nutritional guidance during my pregnancy and later on too. The personal touch she provides during her guidance and her positive outlook is so contagious.”

Dr. Lalita (Panchkula)

“Dt. Surabiya and her dietary guidance helped in controlling my blood sugar levels. I was tired of the excess of medications. The lifestyle related changes improved my sleep quality and gradually brought my HbA1C down..”

Mrs. Sakshi Goyal (Roorkee)

“She helped me in bringing down my Blood Pressure Levels. And the changes suggested were easy to implement too. The day i removed Ghee, Milk and other milk products from my diet my acidity too diminished like magic.”

Mrs. Sunita Chaudhary (Jaipur)

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Price 200/- INR for Video/Telephonic Consultation;
Duration : 10-15 minutes
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